Martin Creed – What’s the point of it?

Martin Creed - Graeme Robertson - surface and surfaceI went to see Martin Creed’s  solo exhibition ‘What’s the point of it?’ at the Hayward gallery in the Southbank Centre yesterday. A ford focus coming to life, a huge spinning ‘Mothers’ sign, objects of different sizes stacked on top of each other, half a room filled with white balloons, a beautiful view of Big Ben & london eye obscured by a giant film screen showing a man getting and loosing an erection. Don’t go expecting high brow art like the woman who felt compelled to tell me with disgust how she couldn’t understand how he get’s away with it all. It’s art that really doesn’t take itself seriously. Martin Creed’s ‘What’s the Point of it?’ will make you laugh, squirm and possibly gag but it’s definitely entertaining and it runs from 29 January until 27 April at the Hayward Gallery, London.

Martin Creed - surface and surface Martin Creed - surface and surface 01 Martin Creed - Graeme Robertson - surface and surface Martin Creed - Graeme Robertson - surface and surface Martin Creed - Graeme Robertson - surface and surface

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